These Blood Orange Margaritas are the perfect combo of sweet, tart, and gorgeous!
The other day I got a comment from a reader that pretty much made my whole week. I can’t stop thinking about it.
Hi Lisa, I just wanted you to know that I stop by your blog daily and I have since I found it over a year ago now. Your kids -Elliot included- are gorgeous and I love reading the little stories about them that you work into your posts. They sound like they are a riot! It is that down to earth, humorous personality you inject into your posts that I think separates you from a lot of other of these types of blogs I’ve been to. I have to thank you. Unlike a lot of others who read your blog, I am not a mom. I am a college student who is currently trying to learn to make more than pasta and chicken and it is your recipes that I have used to get me going. I hope you’ll keep blogging for a long time because I’m sure I’m not the only one who loves clicking to your page and seeing what will be there today!
It brought tears to my eyes and a permagrin to my face.
The idea that someone would actually visit this little blog daily is mind boggling. The idea that they learn stuff from me is just plain crazy. That she finds my stories entertaining? Truly awesome. That she took the time to tell me all of that? I mean, priceless.
It reminded me of when I asked people to do acts of kindness for Elliot. That’s what it felt like. A random act of kindness.
With three little kids at home, who not only but deserve my time and attention, I have been asking myself a lot why I blog. And while I can’t say that comments like this have ever been on my list of why I do it, it’s like getting a huge bonus that you didn’t expect.
I shared this comment on my personal Facebook page, and so many of my friends commented about how wonderful it was. Like the happiness in this one little message was kind of infectious. So, here’s hoping it spreads to you a little.
These margaritas are simple, sweet, tart, gorgeous, and totally delicious!
Blood Orange Margaritas
- 2 oz tequila
- 2 oz blood red orange juice about two small oranges
- 1 oz lime juice about one small lime
- 1 oz triple sec
- Mix all the ingredients and pour over ice. Serve in a glass rimmed with sea salt.
Megan says
I’m so glad to hear that my post meant that much to you! What an honor for you to mention it in one of your blogs. Definitely made me smile. Keep up the great blogging :) This looks great and I will for sure be trying it.
It seriously made my day, Megan. And you wouldn’t believe how many of my friends commented on how great it was for you to leave that comment :)
Rachelle says
How wonderful that someone looks forward to reading your blogs daily and is inspired by you. It was sweet to send you a message so you would know. And those margaritas? You go, girl! Happy Hour can’t get here soon enough!
Meaghan Voigt says
Invite me over for one of these margaritas, Lisa!
sue|theviewfromgreatisland says
You need to frame that comment and put it over your desk!
I do Sue!