Tomato Growing Tip | A simple little tip that will help your tomato plants thrive!
Are you like me? Do you hate learning new things too?
Lucky for you, I have a fun little gardening tip today that won’t even feel like learning something new.
And it will help your tomato plants grow better!
I got this tip from a good friend of mine at the beginning of last summer, and it for sure helped us yield more tomatoes than we ever had before.
So here’s what you do. See this Y shaped arm of the tomato?
See how it’s got like a scraggly little arm pit hair?
Go and just snap that off. Your plant will be so much happier because it can use it’s energy elsewhere.
Wondering what to do if that scraggly arm pit hair has some blooms on it?
My personal opinion is go for it, but I know that can be sad.
Want some great recipes to use your tomotoes in?
Jessica says
My grandma used to call these little arms “the suckers” they do zap the energy out so yes, pull them off! Plus, I love the way a tomato vine smells (did you know Method has a handsoap called tomato vine? Genius!) Happy Word Press day my friend! :)
Yes! The suckers! Exactly! I didn’t know there was a soap that smelled like that!! That’s awesome! It is my faaaaaavorite smell of the summer :)
Penny says
One of my favorite things to do with my daddy in the garden was pick off the tomato suckers…now when I smell tomatoes that is my sweet memory 💙💙💙
I love this so much!
Melissa {Persnickety Plates} says
I’m so proud of you for staying calm & your husband for successfully transferring you over. Good job.
Also, someday I’ll grow tomatoes. When I get my grown up house.
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust says
Love your new site! Welcome to your new diggs. :)
Meghan @ The Tasty Fork says
Yay! Welcome to the WP! You’re going to wish you made the move a long time ago! Have fun with all of the great plugins!!
Jackie L. McCullough says
I didn’t know this, which is surprising, since I always helped my Mom plant/take care of her garden, when I was still at home, and I’ve had gardens of my own. This year I only planted 2 tomato plants, in a big huge black tub, so I’m excited to see what happens, especially, since my Son n law has been rubbing it in that his tomato plants are about to bloom and mine aren’t! Of course it didn’t help that, before I transplanted mine, they were both in a 5 gallon bucket (not near big enough) and I knew it, that was all I had to put them in at the time. So maybe I’ll be the one bragging about their tomato’s, before too long, LOL!
Jocelyn @ BruCrew Life says
Congrats on your first post!! You will love wordpress!!
Holly says
We had about 30 little cherry tomatoes 2 days from picking… I went to check on them and they were ALL GONE. Some critter ate my dinner! Sad. Hugs, Holly @ coconutheadsurvivalguide
Linda L. Martin says
Thank you for sharing. We moved to a very rural area 3 yrs. ago, and I keep plugging away at my garden. Every little tip helps! :-)
Maria says
You can take the “suckers” and stick them in a glass of water. In a about a week they will have a nice root system on them. Now go plant it and you have another tomato plant!
Robert Branscome says
If you re-plant those suckers they will grow into tomatos also but will be a late bunch when the main ones have gone.
What a great additional tip Robert!